We have checked out some of these devices and even though the principles suggested by some actually are valid, none of then is designed to save the residential customer any electricity, in fact some were found to actually increase your light bill.
Lets list a few of these devices and cost in US$
WattsZDog Power Saver 1200. This is reported to saving 10 – 35% in your electricity cost. Price US$220.00 (J$18,920) or close to $30,000 when you add shipping ,duty and mark up.

The fact is if you decide to purchase this device you will not save a dime and would have lost all your money, why do I suggest this.
The device is said to store energy that would have otherwise been wasted by your induction motor which are typically used for your washing machines, pumps etc.
The device picture above is seen to reduce the overall amps of your power supply system and there is the trick, as a reduction in amps(current) does not mean a reduction in your Kwh usage and here is why.
In a power supply system you have the following, Volts (V), Current (A), Power Factor (pf), KW , KVA & KVAR.
KW = Kilowatts and is what you pay for per unit of time (h) to give you kwh.
KVA= KiloVolt Ampere or Apparent Power
KVAR = KiloVoltamp Reactive = Reactive Power.
To avoid become too technical we will limit our focus to KVA, KW, V, I and PF
Power Factor is the angle between apparent power and real power and is mathematically shows as follows KW/KVA = PF or KW = KVA x pf
Now KVA = V x I /1000 ( K = 1000).
Assumptions for your power system
Volt = 120
Current = 5a
Power Factor pf = 0.80
KW = V x I x pf = 120 x 5 x 0.80 = 480w 0r 480/1000 = 0.480 kw
Now lets say you install one of these devices above and your current moves from 5A to 4.5A does that mean you are now saving 10% in your electricity cost, if you think so you are dead wrong, here is why.
Volts = 120
Current = 4.5A
Power Factor has moved up and would now be 0.88
.480 = 120 x 4.5 x PF >> PF = .480/(120 x 4.5) = 0.88
KW = V x A x PF ( KW is constant), so your power factor is what the boxes above changes resulting in a lower current being registered. Many persons are mislead to believe that once your current reading goes down you are automatically saving energy, but that is plain wrong.
The result of installing one of these devices will actually drive the cost of your electricity up as the devices shown here in the pictures consumes energy which is wasted as heat in the device, which you will have to pay for.
So instead of saving money you will endup not only spending $30k for a black box but you will in fact see an increase in your electricity bill. There are some folks who will swear they have saved , but what occurs in that by virtue of installation of the device, persons then go change there energy usage pattern, resulting in lower bills.
The reduction is by virtue of their action and has nothing to do with the device which was installed.
So don’t spend your money on anyone of these instead use common sense to reduce your electricity bill. I will be providing you such tips as we go along as well as some other ideas to keep your usage and actual utility bill down.
People either save or waste energy !!
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